The CHE Office of Student Affairs will hold three virtual State Scholarships and Grants Town Halls in April to offer stakeholders (including students, parents, higher education personnel, K-12 personnel, and concerned citizens) an opportunity to provide suggestions and feedback to CHE staff regarding the state’s merit and need-based financial aid programs.
State scholarship and grant programs include the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship, LIFE Scholarship, SC HOPE Scholarship, Lottery Tuition Assistance Program, and the SC Need-based Grant Program. Feedback from the town halls will support the Office of Student Affairs in its regulatory review process for the 2025-26 legislative session.
Stakeholder input is important as these programs provide opportunities for hundreds of thousands of recipients each year at higher education institutions across our state.
CHE staff will lead the discussion on the programs, answer questions regarding possible changes, and listen to ideas on how the programs can be improved. The town halls are being held multiple times throughout the month and during different times of the day to provide flexibility for those who wish to attend.
The format and agenda are the same for each event:
Tuesday, April 9th, 4:00pm – 5:30pm via Zoom
- Join Zoom Meeting - https://che-sc-gov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpf-6ppjgvGdwk5fb6NRCIzfPSl1RhOJj-
- Meeting ID: 874 8718 3538, Passcode: 711430
Wednesday, April 17th, 6:00pm – 7:30pm via Zoom
- Join Zoom Meeting - https://che-sc-gov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtceqgqDstHdw-PmLamNrsbPgK9Bg6v8mq
- Meeting ID: 880 6386 0778, Passcode: 477807
Thursday, April 25th, 12:00pm – 1:30pm via Zoom
- Join Zoom Meeting - https://che-sc-gov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAocu6srj4oEtfCjtHPwpCrCXyrBl5pFejQ
- Meeting ID: 845 5740 5283, Passcode: 578259
The CHE asks those who wish to attend to register for the event so that we can maintain an accurate count of attendees. You may register by clicking the “Join Zoom Meeting” link for the desired date of your attendance.
For questions regarding the town halls, please contact:
- Dr. Karen Woodfaulk, Director, Office of Student Affairs, at kwoodfaulk@che.sc.gov or (803) 856-0578
- Dr. Gerrick Hampton, Associate Director, at ghampton@che.sc.gov or (803) 856-0609
- Ms. Kathryn Harris, Program Manager for State Scholarships, at kharris@che.sc.gov or (803) 856-0738
- Ms. Tanya Weigold, Program Coordinator for State Scholarships, at tweigold@che.sc.gov or (803) 856-0672
Related Content: Shareable Scholarships and Grants Town Hall Flyer (PDF)